Sport kite related pages and websites
Here you can find links to dozens of sport kite related websites. We've compiled a good list of tried and tested online shops, manufacturers and kite forums to keep you busy.
Local Links
Learn some history about kite flying in the Philippines
Kite Team Philippines Yahoo Groups
Connect with members of the KTP and get the latest news and updates on all upcoming local kite related events.
Power Kite Philippines
Rodel's personal power kite website
Manila Weather Conditions
Get up to the minute accurate weather and wind reports for any major city in the world.
Sport Kite Links Worldwide
Gone with the Wind
Steve Hall's online kite shop and message board is by far the largest and most active kiting community on the net.
Prism Designs
Cutting edge kite technology matched with excellent customer support make Seatlle based Prism Designs one of the leading manufacturers of sport kites in the world. Browse through their kite line-up or watch their training videos and animations.
German based high-end traction foil manufacturer
World leading power and traction kite manufacturer. Register on their community forum and discuss topics with power kiters from around the world.
HQ Power Kites
German manufacturer of both sport & power kites
Sport Kite Simulator
Simulate dual or quad line sport kite flying with this fun Flash site.
The official site for the NasaParaWings 5 and 9. It contains everything you wanted to know about this great kite, from its history, the advantages and disadvantages of flying the Nasawing, to tips and tricks on how to get the most excitement in flying the kite. A special feature of this site is a story about an Antartica expedition on landboards using NPW as engines! Check it out fellow kiters!
Essex Kite Flyers